Helping Kids Shine: What Makes CBT so Powerful?
Well, it's like a mental toolkit that helps us to understand and manage the link between how we think, how we feel and how we behave.
Why Add Hypnosis?
Hypnosis helps quieten the busy mind and influence the imagination, which allows children and young people to feel calm and relaxed. Hypnosis is a safe, evidence-based tool that empowers taking control of our thoughts, behaviours, and well-being. Hypnosis is very often misunderstood as a form of mind control or just deep relaxation. While relaxation can be a byproduct of Hypnosis, it is not a requirement, the true essence of Hypnosis is directing internal mental focus to support positive change.
In reality, Hypnosis is not about losing control or being controlled, it is a collaborative process where you remain fully aware, it's not about ‘putting you under’ either, Hypnosis is about guiding you into accessing the power of your imagination. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention when the mind becomes highly responsive to metal imagery and suggestions.
Therapy that Feels Like Play
Children and Young People often daydream, CBT with Hypnosis is designed to be personal, engaging and inspiring to allow mental imagery to embed the positive suggestions for the required positive outcome. For young children it may be using their superpower in their imagination and for teenagers it could be focusing on their future goals. Sessions are unique to each child or teenager, they are person-centred and led by the child or young person.
Hypnosis & Children: No Closed Eyes required
Using Hypnosis in therapy with children often looks very different to the traditional beliefs we associate with adults having their eyes closed. Unlike adults, children don’t need to sit still or close their eyes to experience the benefits of Hypnosis. Their natural creativity and responsiveness to their imagination make them incredibly receptive to hypnotic language and suggestions, even with their eyes open and while actively engaging in play. For younger children developmental stages play a significant role in this process. From a young age, their brains are wired for imagination and pretend play, particularly during the early developmental stages when the subconscious mind is highly active. This allows children to find it easier to engage in imaginative play, their belief in the "magic" of play provides a natural gateway to accessing their inner resources.
Stimulating their imagination allows children to more easily engage in therapy with suggestions through storytelling, role-play, or visualisation. As they grow older, their capacity for abstract thinking develops, enabling them to use mental imagery and focused attention in more structured ways. Hypnosis with children influences their natural strengths—imagination, curiosity, and openness—making it a powerful and gentle tool for supporting their emotional and mental well-being without requiring traditional techniques.
Younger children will have their parent or caregiver present during the sessions, however, be mindful not to speak for your child as your wishes for therapy goals may be different from theirs. Parental contribution is a necessary factor in therapy; however, the child is the client and they should be made to feel that they are.
Give the Gift of Confidence
If your child is struggling with anxiety, sleep issues, low confidence or managing a wide range of issues or emotions, therapy in a child-friendly and safe space could be the key to helping them overcome, grow, thrive and shine, which is the right of every child and young person.
I can offer a mix of in-person therapy and online sessions over zoom. Get in touch today to learn more about how therapy can support your family!
Children & Young People's Mental Health
The report below from the Children's Commissioner highlights the increase in the number of children and young people being referred for mental health support and the long waiting times following referral. At the end of the year, 270,300 children and young people were still awaiting mental health support after being referred to Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) during 2022-23.
In 2023-24, 204,526 new referrals were made for patients aged 17 and under, with anxiety being the primary reason.
Contact me to discuss your requirements.